George Bush Collection
(23.5 linear feet / 48550 pages)
Please choose a link below to jump to that section of the finding aid or scroll down to view the finding aid in
chronological order. Please remember that page numbers are estimates and some or all of the material in a
particular folder may be removed in accordance with restrictions contained in the deed of gift.
- Series: World War II Correspondence, 1942-1948 (.7 linear feet / 1350 pages)
- Series: Zapata Oil Files, 1943-1983 (10.4 linear feet / 20,800 pages)
- Subseries: Personal Alphabetical Files, 1943-1983 (5.8 linear
feet / 11,600 pages)
- Subseries: Business Alphabetical Files, 1954-1969 (1.8 linear
feet / 3,600 pages)
- Subseries: Business Correspondence Files, 1951-1966 (1.8 linear
feet / 3,600 pages)
- Subseries: Political Alphabetical Files, 1956-1964 (.5 linear
feet / 1,000 pages)
- Subseries: Political Correspondence Files, 1957- 1964 (.5 linear
feet / 1,000 pages)
- Series: Congressional Files, 1963-1971 (1.2 linear feet / 2800 pages)
- Series: United Nations Files, 1971-1972 (1.2 linear feet / 2800 pages)
- Series: Republican National Committee Files, 1972-1974 (2 linear feet / 4800 pages)
- Series: China File, 1974-1975 (4.4 linear feet / 8800 pages)
- Series: CIA Files, 1975-1978 (3.2 linear feet / 6400 pages)
- Series: Prescott Bush Materials (.2 linear feet / 400 pages)
- Series: Dorothy Walker Bush Materials (.2 linear feet / 400 pages)
(.7 linear feet / 1350 pages)
This series contains letters George Bush wrote to his mother Dorothy Walker Bush at the time of his service in
the United States Navy during World War II. Scattered throughout the collection are a few letters to his sister
Nancy, his father Prescott Bush, Sr., and his older brother Prescott Bush, Jr. During the period of his training,
Bush describes his instruction, daily activities, unusual occurrences while flying, relationship with Barbara
Pierce, and visits with family friends while on leave. During his service in the Pacific aboard the San Jacinto,
Bush describes life aboard ship, his marriage plans, and his shore leave. Of particular interest are letters he
wrote during September and October 1944 while aboard the submarine USS Finback which rescued him after being shot
down. The letters conclude with George Bush writing his mother during his first few months of marriage while he
was based at Detroit, Michigan. In these letters he discusses his life with Barbara and outlines plans for the
future. Please note that military censors edited portions of the letters mailed while aboard the San Jacinto.
In addition to George Bush's correspondence with his family, there is correspondence between Prescott Bush Sr.
and the family of Ted White, a crewmember with George Bush who perished when their plane was shot down on 2
September 1944. There are also a few letters between other Bush family members principally Prescott Bush Jr. and
Dorothy Walker Bush.
Finally, there is a short story written by Lou Grab, a friend of George Bush on the San Jacinto and a fellow
torpedo plane pilot. In his account, Grab details the activities torpedo squadron VT-51 of which both he and
George Bush were members. It is a good idea to start research in this file because it provides a good overview of
the activities of VT-51 and will provide context to Bush's letters, especially while serving aboard the San
Jacinto between January and September 1944.
Folder Titles
Box 1
Box 2
Return to Top
This series consists of personal, business, and political files primarily documenting George Bush's life in Texas
from 1948 to 1966. The series is divided into five subseries: Personal Alphabetical Files, Business Alphabetical
Files, Business Correspondence Files, Political Alphabetical Files, and Political Correspondence Files.
Bush graduated from Yale University in June 1948 with a bachelor's degree in economics. The following month, he
accepted a job with Dresser Industries. Over the next three years, Bush worked with several of Dresser Industries'
subsidiaries, including IDECO (International Derrick and Equipment Company), Security Engineering Company, and
Pacific Pumps. During this period, Bush and his family moved several times, living successively in Odessa, Texas;
Ventura, Bakersfield, and Compton, California; and Midland, Texas. In 1951, Bush left Dresser Industries. He and
John Overbey founded Bush-Overbey Oil Development Company, which was based in Midland, Texas. During this period,
Bush became heavily involved with civic and charitable activities in Midland. He served on committees for the
Midland Exchange Club, Midland Community Theater, and Midland County Unit of the American Cancer Society to name a
few. He also served as a ruling elder of the First Presbyterian Church of Midland and managed Midland's American
Legion baseball team. While in Midland, Bush also became involved with politics, working with the fledgling
Republican Party in Texas.
In 1953, Bush and Overbey formed a new business with Hugh and Bill Liedtke named Zapata Petroleum Corporation.
Hugh Liedtke became president and George Bush became vice president of this new business venture. The following
year, the parent company formed Zapata Off-Shore Company, of which Bush was named president. In 1959, the company
was split, leaving the Liedtkes with control of Zapata Petroleum Corporation and establishing Bush as head of
Zapata Off-Shore. That same year, Bush moved his family and the headquarters of Zapata Off-Shore to Houston,
Texas. There he continued to involve himself with community and civic activities, serving on committees of the
Houston Chamber of Commerce and the Mental Health Association of Houston and Harris County. In 1963, Bush was
elected chairman of the Harris County Republican Party. A failed bid for the United States Senate followed in
1964. By 1966, Bush decided to sell his interest in Zapata Off-Shore Company and concentrate on winning a seat in
the U.S. Congress. That year, Bush became the first Republican elected from Texas's seventh Congressional
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This subseries contains records of a personal nature kept by George Bush during the years 1946, when he was a
student at Yale University, to 1966, when he was first elected to the United States Congress. The bulk of these
files are from 1952 to 1964. While these are personal records, most appear to have been maintained in Bush's
business offices and coincide with his tenure with the Bush-Overbey Oil Development Company, Zapata Petroleum
Company, and Zapata Off-Shore Company. A significant number of these files contain material related to Bush's
numerous civic and charitable activities while living in Midland and Houston. Other files cover Bush's work for
republican campaigns, his personal correspondence, material related to the oil industry, Bush's work as an
employee of Dresser Industries and its subsidiaries, and his work as a member of the board of directors for
several organizations. Also included is a significant amount of financial material, including bank statements,
cancelled checks, insurance policies, and investment information. Finally, while these records have been
designated as personal in nature, interfiled with this material is information related to Bush's business
ventures. It should be noted that this subseries contains one file, Orders/Navy, which relates to Bush's service
in the United States Navy during World War II.
Within each folder, the material in usually arranged in reverse chronological order. Further, the folder titles
are arranged alphabetically. However, because many of the folder titles begin with the descriptive phrase "Bush -
Personal," it was not always possible to alphabetize the folders by the first letter of the folder title. When a
letter other than the first has been used to alphabetize the folder titles, that letter has been boldfaced.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Bush Personal: Alexander Hamilton Institute, Inc. [1950]
- American Cancer Society [1952-1954] [1 of 2]
- American Cancer Society [1952-1954] [2 of 2]
- American Cancer Society [1953-1954]
- American Cancer Society [1953-1954]
- American Cancer Society - Texas Division, Eighth Annual Meeting [1953]
- GHWB Personal: American Kennel Club [1953]
- Bush - Personal File: American Legion - Correspondence, Baseball [1952]
- American Supersonic Transport [1965]
- Bush Personal: Applicants for Employment, Month of August 1955
- Bush - Personal File: Automobile - Ownership and Upkeep [1945-1955]
- Aviation Committee: Houston Chamber of Commerce [1962]
- Bush - Personal File: Banks - Irving Trust Account [1953-1956]
Box 2
- Bush Personal: Bank Statements and Checks - Texas National Bank, 1960 [1 of 2]
- Bush Personal: Bank Statements and Checks - Texas National Bank, 1960 [2 of 2]
- Bush - Personal File: Banks - Correspondence, C. Checks, and Statements [1945-1954]
- Bush - Personal File: Banks (Statements, Cancelled Checks and Correspondence) 1961 [1950-1953]
- Barbara Pierce Bush: Account with G.H. Walker and Co. [1955-1956]
- Bills, GHWB Personal, 1961 [1 of 2]
- Bills, GHWB Personal, 1961 [2 of 2]
- Bush Move to Houston [1959]
- CAMCO [1961-1964] [1 of 3]
Box 3
- CAMCO [1961-1964] [2 of 3]
- CAMCO [1961-1964] [3 of 3]
- CAMCO - A to Z Export Company [1961-1962]
- Bush - Personal: Cancer Society File, 1957
- Bush - Personal: Chamber of Commerce [1958-1959]
- [Check Register - 7/13/60 to 5/29/61]
- [Check Register - 6/1/61 to 3/9/62
- Bush - Personal File: Clippings
- Bush Personal: Commercial Bank and Trust - 1957, 1958
- Commercial Bank and Trust - Bank Statements [1960-1961]
- Bush Personal: Commercial Bank Loan, 1959 - $41,000 (Financial Statements)
Box 4
- GHWB Personal: Community Chest [1954]
- Bush Personal: Community Chest - 1958 File # 1
- Cooper, Willie [1956-1957]
- Bush - Personal File: Correspondence - Personal (General: through Dec. 1950)
- Bush - Personal File: Correspondence - General [1955] [1 of 2]
- Bush - Personal File: Correspondence - General [1951-1954] [2 of 2]
- Bush - Personal File: Correspondence - Miscellaneous Business (1950)
- Bush Personal: Correspondence 1959, A-L
- Bush Personal: Correspondence 1959, M-Z
- Bush Personal: Correspondence 1960, A-L
Box 5
- Bush Personal: Correspondence 1960, M-Z
- Bush - Personal: Devine, Tom, Campaign [1958] [1 of 2]
- Bush - Personal: Devine, Tom, Campaign [1958] [2 of 2]
- Eisenhower - Nixon Campaign Committee No. 2, Donations and Deposits [1956-1958] [1 of 2]
- Eisenhower - Nixon Campaign Committee No. 2, Donations and Deposits [1956] [2 of 2]
- Eisenhower - Nixon Campaign Committee No. 1, 1956 [1 of 2]
- Eisenhower - Nixon Campaign Committee No. 1, 1956 [2 of 2]
- Bush - Personal: Exchange Club [1953-1956]
Box 6
- Exchange Club - Aims Committee [1955-1959]
- Bush Personal - First Presbyterian Church [1957-1958] [1 of 2]
- Bush Personal - First Presbyterian Church [1956-1959] [1 of 2]
- Bush - Personal: Ford Ranch Wagon [1956]
- Georgie's Trip to Scotland [1959]
- Bush Personal: Harris Bill [1956]
- Bush Personal: Harris Bill (File # 2) [1956]
- Bush Personal: Harris Bill, 1958 (File # 3) [1958-1960]
- Hedgecroft Clinic [1961-1962] [1 of 2]
Box 7
- Hedgecroft Clinic [1961-1962] [2 of 2]
- Holly Hall [1961-1963]
- Houston Heart Association [1966]
- Bush - Personal File: IDECO and Dresser - 1949
- Bush - Personal File: IDECO and Dresser - 1950
- Bush - Personal File: IDECO - Dresser - 1951 Account (1955)
- Bush - Personal File: Insurance - Documents, etc.: Auto (Old-Expired) [1952-1956]
- Bush - Personal File: Insurance - Correspondence and Receipts (Old - through Dec. 1950) [1946-1950]
- Bush - Personal File: Investments [1950-1954]
- Bush - Personal File: Investments [1954]
- IPAA - 1959
- Bush Personal: KAMQ Broadcasters, Ltd. [1959]
- KBUY & KSEL Radio Stations, Worley - Correspondence [1960]
- Bush Personal: KSEL Radio Station [1958-1959] [1 of 2]
Box 8
- Bush Personal: KSEL Radio Station [1959] [2 of 2]
- Bush Personal: Little League [1955]
- Bush Personal: Lockwood, Inc. Personal Floater - Fed FPP 8045354 [1954-1959]
- Mental Health [1962]
- Mercedes Benz, 1960
- Merrill Lynch [1961]
- George Bush - Personal: Midland Cancer Clinic [1953-1954]
- Bush - Personal: Midland Community Theatre [1956-1958]
- Bush - Personal: Midland Country Club [1952]
- Midland Junior Baseball Association [1954]
- Nash Rambler Station Wagon, 1959
- Bush Personal: "Neighbor to Neighbor" Campaign 1957
- Orders/Navy [1943-1945]
- Pension Trust [1954]
Box 9
- Pension Trust [1955-1956]
- Bush Personal: Plymouth, 1958
- Bush - Personal File: Receipts, Invoices, and Relative Correspondence - Miscellaneous (Through December 1950)
- Bush - Personal: Republican Party - 1952 Campaign
- Bush - Personal: Republican Party - 1954 Campaign
- Scholarship Plan of Texas, Inc. [1960-1983]
- Bush - Personal File: Schools - Yale Alum. Fund, 1949-1950
- Bush - Personal File: Schools - Yale Alum. Fund, 1950-1951
- Bush - Personal File: Schools - Yale Alum. Fund, 1951-1952
- Bush - Personal File: Schools - Yale Alum. Fund, 1952-1953
Box 10
- Bush - Personal File: Schools - Yale Alum. Fund, 1953-1954
- Bush - Personal File: Schools - Yale Alum. Fund, 1954-1955
- Bush - Personal File: Schools - Yale Alum. Fund, 1958
- Bush - Personal File: Schools - Yale Alum. Fund, General (Supplies and Record Book) [1955]
- [Schools] Yale University Arts and Sciences Program [1960-1962]
- Bush - Personal Files: Schools - Yale, Scholarship and Enrollment [1953-1955]
- Bush - Personal: [Schools] Yale Scholarship and Enrollment [1954]
- [Schools] Yale Scholarship and Enrollment, 1955-56 Correspondence [1955-1958]
- Bush - Personal File: School - Torch Association [1944-1954]
- Bush Personal: Southwestern Capital, Inc. [1958-1959]
- Bush - Personal File: Stock - Broadway Play [1952]
- Bush - Personal File: Stock - Harris-Upham and Co. (B.P. Bush)
Box 11
- Bush Personal File: Stock - G.H. Walker and Co. : 1) Texas Gulf Producing, 2) Fargo Oil, 3) Kewanee Oil
- Texas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association [1960-1962]
- Bush - Personal: Texas National Bank Loan [1955-1957]
- Trust Fund Bank Statements - First City National Bank [1960-1963]
- Vail Associates, Ltd. [1962-1963] [1 of 2]
- Vail Associates, Ltd. [1961-1964] [2 of 2]
- Bush - Personal: YMCA - 1953 Drive
- Bush - Personal File: YMCA - 1954
- Bush Personal: YMCA 1956, 1957 [1 of 2]
Box 12
- Bush Personal: YMCA 1956, 1957 [2 of 2]
- Bush Personal: YMCA 1958
- YMCA Building Fund, Midland's New
- YMCA Building Program (Midland's New) Midland, Texas - Independents Section: Div. Leader 230, George Bush
- Bush Personal: YMCA Campaign for Funds [1957]
Return to Top
This subseries contains records related to the operations of Zapata Off-Shore Company. These materials were
maintained in a subject-based filing system and for the most part were generated after 1959, the year Bush moved
Zapata Off-Shore's headquarters to Houston. Records of note in this subseries include material pertaining to
Bush's efforts to merge his business with other companies and the endeavor to sell his interest in the company so
he could concentrate on his campaign for the United States Congress.
As was the case with his Business Correspondence Files, it is apparent that these are only a portion of the files
kept by Zapata Off-Shore Company during these years. It should also be noted that this subseries contains numerous
files that were generated by employees of Zapata Off-Shore Company after Bush had given up any managerial
functions within the company or on its board of directors.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- 105 Accounts Receivable Analysis - Hoppe [1961-1962]
- American Metal Climax, Inc. [1965-1966]
- Australian Associate - GHWB [1965-1966]
- Authority - 1000 Numbers [1959-1964]
- Authorities - 1955 [1962-1965]
- Baldwin, Esther E. [1968]
- [Billing Material] [1963]
- Bush/Williams - McWilliams [1965]
- C.I.M. Corporation (CIMCO) [1965]
- Directors, Board of: GHWB [1965]
- Drilling and Exploration Company - GHWB [1965]
- F.M.C. [1965]
- Farish, Will [1965]
- I.M.C. [1965]
- Lamont Geological Observatory (Drake) - GHWB [1965]
- Lockheed [1965-1966]
- Maverick .7 Million Insurance Payment [1965-1966]
- Mergers - Various Possibilities (GHWB) [1966]
- Monaco Conference, First International Conference - GHWB [1965]
- Movible Offshore, Inc. - GHWB [1965]
- Newspaper Clippings: Business - Zapata, ,000,000 [1965]
- Oceanography - GHWB [1965]
- Office - Redecorating - GHWB [1965]
Box 2
- Off-Shore, Commissioning of "Scorpion" [1956]
- Off-Shore Drilling Syndicate, 3/65 - GHWB [1965] [1 of 2]
- Off-Shore Drilling Syndicate, 3/65 - GHWB [1965] [2 of 2]
- Off-Shore Drilling Units - Contract Status: GHWB [1965]
- Off-Shore Industry - Miscellaneous Articles and Reports [1965]
- Personnel: Bowers, Janet [1967-1969]
- Personnel: Bywaters, Barbara [1967-1968]
- Personnel: Curbow, Leigh [1967]
- Personnel: Description [1966]
- Personnel: Easton, Vivian [1968-1969]
- Personnel: Jamison, Nancy [1968]
- Personnel: Mailings to [1966]
- Personnel: Matney, Mary-Louise [1968]
- Personnel: Smith, Allen L. [1966]
- Personnel: Toolpushers Meeting [1966]
- Personnel: True, Mary Jo [1966]
- Personnel: Van Horn, M.E. [1968]
- Personnel: Whiteley, Alice [1967]
- Southeastern Drilling, Inc. [1966-1967]
- Stannard, Walter L. [1966]
- Stowers [Furniture] [1966]
- Stuchlik, Anna L. [1967]
- Stueland Electric and Gift Shop [1966]
- Summer Employment: GHWB [1965-1966]
- Taca Airlines [1966]
- Tesoro Petroleum Corporation [1966]
- Texaco, Inc. [1966]
- Texas, Gulf and Louisiana Exploration Company, Inc.
- Training School, Offshore Workers - GHWB [1965]
- [Vouchers] [1962]
Box 3
- Westinghouse [1965]
- Wiener Group [1965-1966]
- World Trip - 1963, Bush
- World Trip - 1965, Bush
- World Trip - 1965, Bush (Iran - Niarchos)
- Zapata Off-Shore Company: Accounts Receivable Detailed Listing, Sept. 1962
- Zapata Off-Shore Company: Block 75 - Vermilion Parish, Louisiana Prospect [1958]
- Zapata Off-Shore Company: Block 172-184 - Eugene Island Area [1959]
- Zapata Off-Shore Company: Diversification Proposals, etc... [1956-1961]
- Zapata Off-Shore Company: Executed Counterparts to Amendment #1, with Attached Exhibits [1956]
Box 4
- Zapata - Hall and Mize, Agreements Returned [1966]
- Zapata - Hall and Mize, Bush-Note [1966-1967] [1 of 2]
- Zapata - Hall and Mize, Bush-Note [1966-1967] [2 of 2]
- Zapata - Hall and Mize, Miscellaneous [1965-1966]
- Zapata - Hall and Mize, Notes-Replies on Share of Legal Expenses [1966]
- Zapata - Hall and Mize, Papers on Notes [1966]
- Zapata Off-Shore Company: LeTourneau Option [1954]
- Zapata Off-Shore Company: LeTourneau Contract, Preliminary Papers - July 7, 1956
- Zapata Off-Shore Company: Long-Term Debt Repayment Program, March 1960
- Zapata Off-Shore Company: Permago [1960]
Return to Top
This subseries contains correspondence related to the business ventures of George Bush while working in Midland
and Houston, Texas. While some of this correspondence dates from the early 1950s when Bush was associated with the
Bush-Overbey Oil Development Company, the bulk was generated during Bush's tenure as president of Zapata Off-Shore
Company. Of this material, most records consist of copies of Bush's out-going correspondence for the 1959 and 1960
calendar years. In addition, there are also copies of inter-office memoranda sent and received by management-level
employees of Zapata Off-Shore Company.
Within each folder, the material in usually arranged in reverse chronological order. Further, the folder titles
are arranged alphabetically. It should be noted that these correspondence files do not seem to be complete. Only
certain years of material are present.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Correspondence with Le Tourneau, Miscellaneous [1957-1959]
- Correspondence with Le Tourneau, Miscellaneous - Waiver of Option [1956-1957]
- Correspondence with G.H. Walker and Co. - New York City, One Wall St., N.Y. 5 - 1951-1952
- Correspondence with G.H. Walker and Co. (to Jan. 1959) [1955-1959]
- Inter-Office Correspondence - Frank Allen [1959-1961]
- Inter-Office Correspondence - George Bush [1965-1966]
- [Inter-Office] Correspondence - Wayne H. Dean (1954-1959) [1 of 2]
- [Inter-Office] Correspondence - Wayne H. Dean (1954-1959) [2 of 2]
- Inter-Office Correspondence - Wayne Dean (1959-1960)
Box 2
- [Inter-Office] Correspondence - Ian Figart (1956-1958)
- Inter-Office Correspondence - Ian Figart [1960-1961]
- [Inter-Office] Correspondence - Billie Jackson [1954-1959]
- [Inter-Office Correspondence] - Sterling Little [1957-1959]
- [Inter-Office Correspondence] - Russ Mosby (1957-1959)
- [Inter-Office Correspondence] - Nolan Stewart (1958)
- Inter-Office Correspondence - Nolan Stewart [1959- 1962]
- [Inter-Office] Correspondence - Hoyt Taylor (1954-1958)
- Miscellaneous Correspondence, A-M [1954-1956]
- Miscellaneous Correspondence, N-Z [1954-1956]
- Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1956
- Miscellaneous Correspondence, A-M, 1959
Box 3
- Miscellaneous Correspondence, M-Z, 1959
- Miscellaneous Correspondence, A-L, 1960
- Reading Files - 1959 (January to March)
- Reading File - 1959 (April 6 to June 30)
- Reading File - 1959 (July 1 to September 30)
- Reading File - 1959 (October 1 to December 31) [1 of 2]
- Reading File - 1959 (October 1 to December 31) [2 of 2]
- [Reading File] January 1, 1960 to March 31, 1960 [1 of 2]
Box 4
- [Reading File] January 1, 1960 to March 31, 1960 [2 of 2]
- [Reading Files] April 1, 1960 to June 30, 1960 [1 of 2]
- [Reading File] April 1, 1960 to June 30, 1960 [2 of 2]
- [Reading File] July 1, 1960 to September 30, 1960
- [Reading File] October 1, 1960 to December 31, 1960 [1 of 2]
- [Reading File] October 1, 1960 to December 31, 1960 [2 of 2]
- Reading File - 1959, Russ C. Mosby
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This subseries contains material related to George Bush's political activities in Texas prior to 1964. The
majority of these documents were created or accumulated during Bush's tenure as Chairman of the Harris County
Republican Party in 1963. This includes campaign literature, texts of Republican platforms, newsclippings, and
press releases. There is also correspondence in this material, including routine letters as well as correspondence
with Republican leaders, such as Senator John Tower. Records related to efforts by George Bush to raise funds for
other political candidates and campaigns can be found in these files. More substantial documents concerning his
political activities while in Midland can be located in the Personal Alphabetical Files.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Candidates Committee - Republican Party [1959-1961]
- Committees [1963]
- Convention Requests [1963-1964]
- Executive Committee [1963]
- Goldwater Dinner [1963]
- Hold for George [1963]
- Literature [1963]
- Platform Committee - Republican Party [1956-1960]
- Press Clippings and Correspondence [1963]
- Republican County Headquarters [1963]
- Republican Party [1963]
- Senator John Tower [1963]
Return to Top
This subseries contains correspondence and related documents pertaining to George Bush's political activities
during his years in Midland and Houston. Most files focus on Bush's role as chair of the Harris County Republican
Party and compliment and overlap records found in his political alphabetical files. This includes letters
concerning routine party business, such as appointment of precinct chairs and other leadership positions,
fundraising efforts undertaken in the county, plans for the 1964 primary season, and correspondence with state
Republican headquarters. Also prominent in the files is material related to efforts by Bush and other Harris
County Republicans to broaden the party's appeal, especially among African-American and Hispanic voters.
Correspondence announcing Bush's planned run for the U.S. Senate in 1964 is also located in these files, but there
are no substantive records related to the campaign. In addition to correspondence related to his work as Harris
County chairman, there are a few records that relate to his political involvement in Republican politics prior to
1963, including his tenure as Republican Finance Chair for District 29. Records related to Bush's political
activities can also be found in the personal alphabetical files subseries.
As with other correspondence files in this series, these records are generally filed in reverse chronological
order. Most of the correspondence is also filed alphabetically. In instances where there was too little
correspondence to warrant the creation of a separate folder, the original creator filed material in adjacent
folders. For example, correspondence that would normally be filed under "Z" is instead filed under "Y."
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Election Congratulations - Executive Director Correspondence [1963]
- Miscellaneous "A" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "B" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "C" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "D" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "E" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "F" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "G" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "H" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "J" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "K" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "L" [1963-1964]
- Miscellaneous "M" [1963-1964]
- Miscellaneous "P" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "R" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "S" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "T" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "W" [1963]
- Miscellaneous "Y" [1963]
- Miscellaneous Republican Correspondence [1957-1962] [1 of 2]
- Miscellaneous Republican Correspondence [1957-1962] [2 of 2]
- Republican State Committee Correspondence [1963]
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This series consists of materials spanning from 1963 to 1971, primarily documenting George Bush's tenure in the
United States House of Representatives. Only a few folders contain items that predate 1967 including a 1963-1964
personal correspondence file. The series is divided into four subseries: Congressional File - General,
Congressional File - General - Senate, Congressional File - General - Personal, and Congressional File - General -
Vietnam Trip.
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This subseries contains notes, letters, and memoranda concerning the Congressional career of George Bush. The
bulk of the material spans the years 1968-1970 when George Bush served in Congress and sat on the Ways and Means
Committee. These materials include constituent correspondence, information on financial matters, and newspaper
clippings. There are also a few policy folders relating to Vietnam, the Middle East, and civil disobedience.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Civil Disobedience - Yale - Reverend William Sloan Coffin, 1967
- Congressional Office Automation
- "Dorsey Writes His Congressman" by Aleene Smith 1966-1967
- George Bush - Campaign Filing Forms 1964, 1966, 1968, 1970
- George Bush 7th District Congressional Account - Disclosures 1967-1968
- George Bush Appointment Book 1968
- George Bush Congressional Campaign Literature
- George Bush Congressional Staff List
- George Bush Congressional Stationary [Blank]
- George Bush Notes - 1968 General Election Results
- George Bush Notes, Miscellaneous Housekeeping Items
- George Bush Speech on Vietnam - Houston, TX January 11, 1968
- Photographs
- "Herskowitz Guest Column" by George Bush M.C.
- H.J. Resolution on Civil Rights
- House / Senate Lists 1968-1969
- 1969 Inauguration
- Legislative File List
- Middle Eastern Policy
- Miscellaneous Clippings and Printed Material
- Miscellaneous Congressional Materials
- Richard Mack Correspondence 1968
- Vice Presidential Files 1968
- Ways and Means Committee Memberships
- World Series Ticket Stubs 1969, 1971
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This subseries contains material concerning George Bush's 1970 Senate campaign. Of particular interest is Mr.
Bush's Texas campaign diary in which he discusses fund raising, meeting with constituents, and the political
climate of Texas during the early part of 1970.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Campaign Finance - 1970
- Hugh Sidey, (Time Magazine) Correspondence 1970
- Lloyd Bentsen Materials, 1970-1971
- Peter Flanigan - Oil Task Force, 1970-1971
- Press Kits - George Bush for Senate 1969-1970
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This subseries contains routine personal information on George Bush from 1963-1970 including gun ownership,
financial disclosures, and housing information. The subseries also contains correspondence between George Bush and
Richard Nixon about political matters and between Bush and his personal assistant Don Rhodes.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- George Bush Personal Correspondence 1963-1964
- George Bush Personal Correspondence 1966
- 1966 Newspaper Clippings
- George Bush Gun Registration 1968-1969
- George Bush - Richard Nixon Correspondence 1963-1970
- Don Rhodes Correspondence 1966-1970
- George and Barbara Bush 25th Wedding Anniversary Scrap Book
- George Bush - Personal Financial Disclosure of Assets 1966-1970
- George Bush - Personal Financial Disclosure - Supplementary Expense Fund 1968-1970
- George Bush - Personal Financial Disclosure 1968-1969
- George Bush - House and Lot 5525 briar Drive 1959, 1962, 1966, 1971
- George Bush - House Addition 5525 Briar Drive, 1964-1965
- August '79 Briefing Session Kennebunkport, George Bush Notes
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This subseries contains information on Congressman Bush's trip to Vietnam from 12/26/67 - 1/11/68. It includes
constituent correspondence, invitations, schedules, contact lists, and general background materials on Vietnam.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Vietnam Trip 12/26/67 - 1/11/68 [1]
- Vietnam Trip 12/26/67 - 1/11/68 [2]
- Photos, Souvenirs, Clippings from Vietnam Trip [1]
- Photos, Souvenirs, Clippings from Vietnam Trip [2]
- General Background for Southeast Asia Trip 1967-1968 [1]
- General Background for Southeast Asia Trip 1967-1968 [2]
- Photos from Vietnam Trip [1]
- Photos from Vietnam Trip [2]
Return to Top
The United Nations File consists of materials related to George Bush's tenure as U.S. ambassador to the UN. This
file includes correspondence, cables, memoranda, transcripts, handwritten notes, and news clippings. A significant
portion of the UN File concerns the admission of the People's Republic of China to the UN General Assembly and
Security Council. This file also contains personal diary entries transcribed from tapes recorded between December
1970 and September 1972.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- UN Swearing - In February 26, 1971
- UN Appointment - Congratulations
- Confirmation by Senate
- Senate Replies to 3/16 Letter
- Congressional Replies to 3/11 Letter [1 of 4]
- Congressional Replies to 3/11 Letter [2 of 4]
- Congressional Replies to 3/11 Letter [3 of 4]
- Congressional Replies to 3/11 Letter [4 of 4]
- [Correspondence - White House, 1971-73]
- UN Appointment Announcement, 1970
- White House Memos 1972 - Chuck Colson
- UN Jewish File [1 of 3]
- UN Jewish File [2 of 3]
- UN Jewish File [3 of 3]
- China Admission - UN Misc. Letters, 1971 [1 of 2]
- China Admission - UN Misc. Letters, 1971 [2 of 2]
- General Assembly Delegation File, 1972
Box 2
- Ambassador Bush's Trip - Geneva, 1972
- USUN, 2/71 [1 of 2]
- USUN, 2/71 [2 of 2]
- USUN Geneva, 7/71
- Personal File - UN [1 of 2]
- Personal File - UN [2 of 2]
- China File
- Chinese Representation [1 of 8]
- Chinese Representation [2 of 8]
- Chinese Representation [3 of 8]
- Chinese Representation [4 of 8]
- Chinese Representation [5 of 8]
- Chinese Representation [6 of 8]
Box 3
- Chinese Representation [7 of 8]
- Chinese Representation [8 of 8]
- Cabinet Meetings [1 of 3]
- Cabinet Meetings [2 of 3]
- Cabinet Meetings [3 of 3]
- India - Pakistan
- National Security Council
- Chile Meeting with Pres. Allende
- USUN Four Power Talks
- Memorabilia
- Entertainment - Official [1 of 3]
- Entertainment - Official [2 of 3]
- Entertainment - Official [3 of 3]
- [Condolences - Diplomats] [1 of 2]
Box 4
- [Condolences - Diplomats] [2 of 2]
- [Condolences - Congress]
- China Note and Letter- Private Meeting
- India-Pakistan, 11/71-12/71
- India-Pakistan Conflict, 12/71
- Honorary Memberships
- Notes, 12/11/70
- Notes, 12/15/70-2/8/71
- Notes, 2/9/71-3/1/71
- Notes, 3/17/91
- Notes, 3/20/71-4/19/71
- Notes, 5/12/71-7/19/71
- Notes, 8/12/71
- Notes, 9/18/71-11/15/71
- Notes, 1/5/72-9/30/72
Return to Top
This series contains personal notes, administrative files and public mail generated while George Bush was
Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) from January 1973 until September 1974. This period coincided
with the Watergate Crisis that resulted in President Richard Nixon's resignation in August 1974. The
administrative files consist of memos between Chairman Bush, President Nixon, White House officials, and RNC
members. "Personal Notes" are transcripts of George Bush's diary in which he comments on Watergate developments
and his position as RNC Chairman. The RNC surveyed its members in October 1973 to determine whom they preferred as
Vice President upon the resignation of Spiro T. Agnew (see Box 9 RNC Members - VP Selection). The Republican
National Committee received public mail both positive and negative towards President Nixon and the RNC. The Alpha
Files shown here are representative of public mail sent in 1973 and 1974. "Alpha Files-1974" consists of letters
supporting George Bush for Vice President after Gerald Ford assumed the Presidency.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- George Bush - Personal
- White House - Presidential Letters
- GOP Leadership Meetings
- White House Memos - Incoming
- White House Memos - Outgoing
- White House - Presidential Calls
- White House - Presidential Visits
- Personal Notes - Oct. 73 - Aug. 74 [1]
- Personal Notes - Oct. 73 - Aug. 74 [2]
- Personal Notes - Oct. 73 - Aug. 74 [3]
- Papers from RNC 12/72 - 9/74 [1]
- Papers from RNC 12/72 - 9/74 [2]
- Papers from RNC 12/72 - 9/74 [3]
Box 2
- [Box 9 RNC Members - VP Selection] [1]
- [Box 9 RNC Members - VP Selection] [2]
- Bellino Letters
Alpha Files - 1973
- Chairman's Files 1973 - Watergate miscellaneous clips, etc.- 8 [1]
- Chairman's Files 1973 - Watergate miscellaneous clips, etc.- 8 [2] [Public Mail on Watergate]
- [Public Mail on Watergate]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] 8 [1]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] 8 [2]
Box 3
- [Public Mail on Watergate] 8 [1]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] 8 [2]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] 8 [1]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] 8 [2]
- Watergate 8 [1]
- Watergate 8 [2]
- Watergate 8
Box 4
- Watergate 8 [1]
- Watergate 8 [2]
- Watergate 8 [3]
- Watergate 8 [1]
- Watergate 8 [2]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] [1]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] [2]
Box 5
- [Public Mail on Watergate]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] 8 [1]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] 8 [2]
- Watergate 8 [1]
- Watergate 8 [2]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] [1]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] [2]
- [Public Mail on Watergate] [3]
- Watergate 8
Alpha Files - 1974
Box 1
- Volume I - GB for VP (A-C) [1]
- Volume I - GB for VP (A-C) [2]
- Volume II - GB for VP (D-H) [1]
- Volume II - GB for VP (D-H) [2]
- Volume III - GB for VP (H-Q)
- Volume IV - GB for VP (R-Z) [1]
- Volume IV - GB for VP (R-Z) [2]
Return to Top
This series contains correspondence and administrative files created during George Bush's service as U.S. Liaison
to the People's Republic of China. Bush served as Chief of the United States Liaison Office to the People's
Republic of China from October 21, 1974 to December 7, 1975. While the United States did not have an official
embassy in Peking at the time, Bush served as the primary U.S. diplomat to China. As such he held the rank of
Ambassador and carried out all official ambassadorial duties, including meeting with Chinese officials, hosting
and attending diplomatic receptions, assisting U.S. official visits to China, and providing assistance to U.S.
citizens visiting China. The series contains three subseries: a Correspondence File, the Peking Diary, and a
Subject File. Noteworthy events during Bush's tenure in the Liaison Office include the visits of numerous
Congressional delegations; Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's visit in November, 1974; and the visit of
Secretary of State Kissinger and President Gerald Ford in December, 1975.
This subseries contains of correspondence George Bush received while head of the U.S. Liaison Office. This
correspondence partially consists of letters from organizations and individuals requesting information on how to
visit China. The remainder of the correspondence is comprised of letters from friends and acquaintances of George
Bush. These friends wrote to provide updates on personal and political matters, and in some cases to request
information on visiting China. In many cases a carbon copy of Bush's typed response has been attached to the
incoming correspondence.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- 1974 Correspondence A
- 1974 Correspondence B
- 1974 Correspondence C
- 1974 Correspondence D
- 1974 Correspondence E
- 1974 Correspondence F
- 1974 Correspondence G
- 1974 Correspondence H
- 1974 Correspondence I - K
- 1974 Correspondence L
- 1974 Correspondence M
- 1974 Correspondence N - O
- 1974 Correspondence P - Q
- 1974 Correspondence R
- 1974 Correspondence S
- 1974 Correspondence T
- 1974 Correspondence U - V
- 1974 Correspondence W
- 1974 Correspondence Y
- 1975 Correspondence A
- 1975 Correspondence B - Be
- 1975 Correspondence Bf - Bz
- 1975 Correspondence C - Cl
- 1975 Correspondence Cm - Cz
Box 2
- 1975 Correspondence D
- 1975 Correspondence E
- 1975 Correspondence F
- 1975 Correspondence G
- 1975 Correspondence H - Ha
- 1975 Correspondence Hb - Holdridge
- 1975 Correspondence Holloway - Hz
- 1975 Correspondence I - J
- 1975 Correspondence K
- 1975 Correspondence L
Box 3
- 1975 Correspondence Ma - Mark
- 1975 Correspondence Mart - My
- 1975 Correspondence N - O
- 1975 Correspondence P - Per
- 1975 Correspondence Pet - Ples
- 1975 Correspondence Plet - Q
- 1975 Correspondence R - Rode
- 1975 Correspondence Rod - Rus
- 1975 Correspondence S - Siz
- 1975 Correspondence Sla - Ste
Box 4
- 1975 Correspondence Ste - Sut
- 1975 Correspondence T
- 1975 Correspondence U - V
- 1975 Correspondence W
- 1975 Correspondence X - Z
- [President and White House, 1975]
Return to Top
This subseries consists of a diary of George Bush's personal thoughts while head of the U.S. Liaison Office in
Peking. This diary covers George Bush's reactions to all aspects of life in Peking, including his opinions of
public officials and diplomats, politics, family matters, international affairs, and life in China.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Peking Diary Volume I
- Peking Diary Volume II
- Peking Diary Volume III
Return to Top
This subseries consists of subject files maintained by George Bush and his immediate office staff from 1974 to
1976. This material includes administrative files, personal files, correspondence files, and press clipping files.
A portion of these files deal with the daily operation of the Peking Liaison Office, including the purchase of
provisions. The subseries also contains personal files of George and Barbara Bush, including banking files, files
on their Chinese language lessons, personal correspondence, and files related to personal effects. There are also
files in this subseries related to Bush's official duties as head of the Liaison Office, including files dealing
with Bush's official travels and correspondence dealing with Secretary of State Kissinger's visit in November 1974
as well as the visit of President Ford and Kissinger in December 1975. Other files deal with social aspects of the
Liaison Office, including correspondence related to friends who visit the Bushes, information on visiting
Congressional delegations, material related to diplomatic receptions both hosted and attended by Bush, and the
Fourth of July cookout hosted by George Bush in 1975. There are also a number of folders containing press
clippings primarily from Chinese news sources.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Bush Travel Vouchers
- Bush House Effects
- Bush Check File
- Entertainment - Personal
- Bush - Carpet File
- Pennell and Co., Ltd. - Hong Kong
- Mr. Bush Petty Cash Books I and II
- China Related - Fall 1974 [1 of 2]
- China Related - Fall 1974 [2 of 2]
- Percy Javits Delegation
- China '74 - '75 Miscellaneous Papers, News, Hsinhua, etc. [1 of 3]
- China '74 - '75 Miscellaneous Papers, News, Hsinhua, etc. [2 of 3]
Box 2
- China '74 - '75 Miscellaneous Papers, News, Hsinhua, etc. [3 of 3]
- Letters of Congratulations on China Assignment - Summer and Fall 1974 [1 of 2]
- Letters of Congratulations on China Assignment - Summer and Fall 1974 [2 of 2]
- Chinese Delegations to the U.S.
- Visitors File [1 of 2]
- Visitors File [2 of 2]
- Miscellaneous Visitors
- U.S. Delegation to China and Visitors [1 of 2]
- U.S. Delegation to China and Visitors [2 of 2]
Box 3
- Ambassador and Mrs. Bush's Schedule
- GB Personal File - Unclassified
- VTR Arrival and Return Schedule
- U.S. Election Results - 1974
- Guest Lists - 1975
- International Club - Peking
- GB - Contributions
- Bush Address Wheel
- Bush Personal - Republican National Committee [1 of 2]
- Bush Personal - Republican National Committee [2 of 2]
- [Bush Personal - Republican National Committee]
- Speaking Engagements, Interviews, etc.
- White House - Clippings
- [Bush Photographs]
- Tennis File
Box 4
- [Correspondence - Miscellaneous]
- Bush Personal - US $, Credit Cards, Drivers License, State Department Pass
- Ambassador Bush - Travel - Unclassified
- First National City Bank - Hong Kong
- [People Magazine 9/23/74]
- Scheduled Events at the Residence
- [Jennifer Fitzgerald's GB Calendar, 10/21/74 - 12/29/74]
- State Department - Miscellaneous
- [State Department - Miscellaneous]
- Sihanouk Contacts: Log of Cables Only
- Kissinger Visit: 11/25/74 - 11/29/74; Kissinger Correspondence with GHWB, 1974
- Secretary Kissinger's Visit [1 of 3]
- Secretary Kissinger's Visit [2 of 3]
- Secretary Kissinger's Visit [3 of 3]
- Invitations Received [1 of 2]
- Invitations Received [2 of 2]
- [State Department Telegrams]
- Large Congressional Delegation
- Guest Lists 1974 and 1975 [1 of 2]
Box 5
- Guest Lists 1974 and 1975 [2 of 2]
- [United Nations / State Department Miscellaneous]
- China 1975 Houseguests, Visiting Delegations [1 of 2]
- China 1975 Houseguests, Visiting Delegations [2 of 2]
- China VIPs A to Z and Summary List
- Clippings (China, 1974 - 1975)
- Death of Mao, Fall of Teng Press [1 of 2]
- Death of Mao, Fall of Teng Press [2 of 2]
- China - Codel Visits
- Bush - Arrival in Peking - October 21, 1974
- Canton and Hong Kong Trip April 1975 - Unclassified
- Conversation with President Ford, September 1975 (Letter to Morton)
- U.S.L.O. - Peking, PRC
- Trip: Talien, Harbin and Taching July 17 - 23
- Miscellaneous Correspondence Oscar and Habib - Visit Tientsin, 1975
- Visit to Pakistan - Mr. Bhutto
- Chiefs of Mission Conference Honolulu - December 1974 Unclassified
- Washington Consultations February and September 1975 Unclassified
- Oil
- Trips - Visits in Peking Area
Box 6
- Albert / Rhodes Visit
- Telegrams - Department of State / U.S.L.O.
- United States Liaison Office Peking
- President Ford Visit Plus Some Miscellaneous Late 1975 [1 of 2]
- President Ford Visit Plus Some Miscellaneous Late 1975 [2 of 2]
- China - 1975 Contacts with Diplomats and PRC Reports to Habib
- Miscellaneous Bills Paid 1974 and 1975
- Ch'iao Kuan-Hua
- Applicants [1 of 2]
- Applicants [2 of 2]
- Miscellaneous Accounts and Receipts [1 of 2]
- Miscellaneous Accounts and Receipts [2 of 2]
- Language Lessons 1974 - 1975 [1 of 2]
Box 7
- Language Lessons 1974 - 1975 [2 of 2]
- Fourth of July File - 1975 [1 of 3]
- Fourth of July File - 1975 [2 of 3]
- Fourth of July File - 1975 [3 of 3]
- Visitors - 1975 [1 of 4]
- Visitors - 1975 [2 of 4]
- Visitors - 1975 [3 of 4]
- Visitors - 1975 [4 of 4]
- Major Pearce
- Bush Personal - Fred Zeder
- [PRC Post Report]
Return to Top
This series consists of correspondence and speech materials documenting George Bush's tenure as director of the
Central Intelligence Agency. For the most part, the materials date from 1975 when President Gerald R. Ford asked
Bush to head the CIA to 1977 when Bush stepped down from the post to return to private life. Several folders in
the Subject Files date to 1978 when Bush was commenting on Congressional action relevant to the CIA. The series is
divided into three subseries: Correspondence Files, Events and Appearances Files, and Subject Files. President
Ford announced Bush's appointment as head of the CIA on November 3, 1975, and the United States Senate confirmed
Bush in January 1976 by a vote of sixty-four to twenty-seven. Bush pledged in his confirmation to abstain from
political activities, including possible consideration as Ford's vice presidential running mate in 1976, while
serving at the CIA. He honored this pledge and did not attend the 1976 Republican National Convention or
participate in Ford's 1976 campaign. He resigned as director of the CIA at the end of the Ford administration,
leaving his post on January 20, 1977.
Return to Top
This subseries contains letters sent and received by George Bush from 1975 to 1977. The series also contains
notes, cards, and telegrams from the same period. The correspondence includes congratulatory letters upon Bush's
appointment as director of the Central Intelligence Agency by President Gerald R. Ford, as well as letters of
support after Bush announced his plans to resign from the agency following President Ford's defeat in the 1976
presidential elections by James Earl Carter. The files also include personal correspondence files maintained by
President Bush during his tenure as CIA director. This personal correspondence is arranged alphabetically and is
mostly routine in nature. It includes many letters from Bush's friends and acquaintances across the nation,
especially Texas. Several letters address Bush's intelligence briefings for Carter during the 1976 presidential
campaign. Other outgoing letters from Bush inform friends, acquaintances, and the general public about his general
attitudes regarding the CIA, his pledge to forego politics during his CIA tenure, and his plans for returning to
private life at the end of the Ford administration. Invitations accepted and regretted are also included in the
correspondence files.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Congratulatory Letters: A-B
- Congratulatory Letters: B
- Congratulatory Letters: B-C
- Congratulatory Letters: D-E
- Congratulatory Letters: E-F
- Congratulatory Letters: G
- Congratulatory Letters: G-H
- Congratulatory Letters: H-K
- Congratulatory Letters: K
Box 2
- Congratulatory Letters: L
- Congratulatory Letters: L-M
- Congratulatory Letters: M-O
- Congratulatory Letters: P-R
- Congratulatory Letters: R-S
- Congratulatory Letters: S
- Congratulatory Letters: S-T
- Congratulatory Letters: U-W
- Congratulatory Letters: W-Z
- Congratulatory Letters: Last Name Unknown
Box 3
- Resignation Correspondence [1]
- Resignation Correspondence [2]
- Resignation Correspondence [3]
- Resignation Correspondence [4]
- Personal Correspondence: A
- Personal Correspondence: B [1]
- Personal Correspondence: B [2]
- Personal Correspondence: B [3]
- Personal Correspondence: B [4]
- Personal Correspondence: C [1]
- Personal Correspondence: C [2]
- Personal Correspondence: D
- Personal Correspondence: E
Box 4
- Personal Correspondence: F
- Personal Correspondence: G [1]
- Personal Correspondence: G [2]
- Personal Correspondence: H [1]
- Personal Correspondence: H [2]
- Personal Correspondence: I
- Personal Correspondence: J
- Personal Correspondence: K [1]
- Personal Correspondence: K [2]
- Personal Correspondence: L
- Personal Correspondence: M [1]
- Personal Correspondence: M [2]
- Personal Correspondence: M [3]
Box 5
- Personal Correspondence: M [4]
- Personal Correspondence: M [5]
- Personal Correspondence: N
- Personal Correspondence: O
- Personal Correspondence: P [1]
- Personal Correspondence: P [2]
- Personal Correspondence: Q
- Personal Correspondence: R [1]
- Personal Correspondence: R [2]
- Personal Correspondence: S [1]
- Personal Correspondence: S [2]
- Personal Correspondence: S [3]
- Personal Correspondence: T
- Personal Correspondence: V
- Personal Correspondence: W
- Personal Correspondence: Y
- Personal Correspondence: Z
Box 6
- Official Correspondence: A-Z
- Official Correspondence: Congress
- Invitations Accepted
- Invitations Regretted [1]
- Invitations Regretted [2]
- Invitations Regretted [3]
- Invitations Regretted [4]
- Invitations Regretted [5]
- Invitations Regretted [6]
- Post CIA Correspondence, 1977
Return to Top
This subseries consists of files documenting George Bush's appearances and speaking engagements during his tenure
as director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The papers date from 1975 to 1977. The papers document Bush's
appearances of popular news programs of the period including 60 Minutes and Meet the Press, as well as speaking
engagements at clubs and groups across the nation. The files are arranged chronologically by appearance or event.
Materials in the files include speech drafts, notes on speeches, speech outlines, and correspondence. The speech
materials evidence Bush's active role in shaping his speeches, whether adding humor at the beginning of remarks or
substantively altering drafts to reflect current events regarding the CIA. Generally, files include letters of
invitation to Bush to speak, notes regarding travel arrangements, and reaction by friends and the public to his
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Swearing-In Ceremony, 1/30/76
- Andover, Massachusetts, 1/31/76
- CBS Meeting, 2/4-5/76
- California, 2/11-15/76
- 60 Minutes, 2/15/76
- The Today Show, 2/18/76
- New York City, 2/20/76
- Meet the Press, 2/22/76
- New York City, 2/23/76
- CFR, 2/23/76
- General Wilson Presentation, 2/27/76
- Intelligence Community Award Ceremony, 3/4/76
- Dayton, Ohio, 3/13/76
- Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, 3/14/76
- National Newspaper Association, 3/19/76
- Y-Group Meeting, 3/29-30/76
- Europe, 3/20-26/76
- Harvard Business School Dinner, 4/12/76
- New York City, 4/12-13/76
- ASNE, 4/15/76
- Richmond, Virginia, 4/19/76
- United States Naval Academy, 4/21/76
- Kansas City Speech, 4/26/76
- Kansas-California, 4/26-27/76
- Bohemian Luncheon, 4/27/76
- Overseas Press Club, 5/13/76
- CIA Talk, 5/4/76
- Hot Springs, Virginia 5/6/76
- Houston-San Antonio, 5/7-9/76
- Trinity University, 5/8/76
- 29 Club, 5/11/76
- Franklin Pierce College, 5/16/76
- Randolph-Macon College, 5/30/76
- Personnel Bi-Annual Conference, 6/7/76
- Allegheny College, 6/14/76
- Cleveland, Ohio and Long Beach, California and Nevada, 6/25-27/76
- California-Grand Forks, North Dakota, 7/22-26/76
Box 2
- Commonwealth Club of California, 7/23/76
- Supergrade Award Ceremony, 8/5/76
- St. Louis, Missouri, 8/13/76
- Kennebunkport Chamber of Commerce, 9/1/76
- Association of Federal Investigators, 9/10/76
- CBS Radio Affiliates, 9/14/76
- New York City, 9/15/76
- Association of Naval Aviation, 9/18/76
- Wyoming and Nebraska, 9/29-30/76
- NSA Luncheon and University Club Dinner, 10/5/76
- Farmington, Virginia, 10/9-10/76
- World Affairs Council, 10/12/76
- Houston, Texas, 10/14-16/76
- Middle East, 10/16-27/76 (Canceled)
- New York City, 10/21/76
- USS Simon Bolivar, 10/25-26/76
- New York City-Yale Class of '48, Philips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, 10/29-30/76
- New York City, 11/12/76
- Florida, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, 11/13-16/76
- Chicago, Illinois, 11/18/76
- Sacramento and Los Angeles, California, 11/28-30/76
- Comstock Club, 11/29/76
- Texas and California, 12/13-15/76
- CIA Farewell, 1/24/77
- AFCEA, n.d.
- Unidentified Speeches, n.d.
Return to Top
This subseries consists of subject files maintained by Bush when he was director of the CIA. The files contain
cables, letters, memoranda, news clippings, printed material, schedules, testimony, and transcripts. The materials
document Bush's appointment as director of Central Intelligence, confirmation battle, and press interactions.
Cables provide detailed information about his confirmation, but most of these items are closed due to
classification restrictions. Notes and letters document Bush's confirmation, including strategy items and general
information regarding Bush's philosophy regarding the CIA and the post of director. Additional materials of
interest include Bush's comments on legislation proposed by Congress in 1978 regarding the CIA. Also included are
numerous news clippings documenting poor or inaccurate reporting about the intelligence agency.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- Bush-CIA Portrait, DeBorchegrave 76 [Empty)
- Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush (Gag Folder)
- Bush Personal: To Be Filed [1977]
- Bush Personal: New Appointment, 1975
- Bush Personal: China, Pre-CIA, Classified [1975-1977]
- Bush Personal: China, Pre-CIA, Classified [1975-1977]
- Business Opportunities, Boards of Directors, 1/77
- China - Cables re: DCI Job [1975]
- Chinese Diplomatic Guide
- CIA-Bad Journalism-Examples of Errors, Falsehoods, etc. [1976-1977]
- CIA-Hearings [1975-1976] [1]
- CIA-Hearings [1975-1976] [2]
- CIA Job-Pres. Letter to Stennis, note of GB-Ford Meeting 12/75-GB Personal Diary Notes [1975-1976]
- CIA-Moss Case [1977]
Box 2
- CIA-News Clips, 1975
- CIA-News Clips [1975]
- CIA-Organization-Senate Hearings [1978]
- CIA-Organization-Senate Hearings [1978]
- CIA-Organization-Senate Hearings [1978]
- CIA-Organization-Senate Hearings [1978]
- CIA-Organization-Senate Hearings [1978]
- CIA-Organization-Senate Hearings [1978]
Box 3
- CIA-Research Aid "Handbook of Economic Statistics, 1977"
- CIA-Sorenson Statement for Senate Comm., 1/77
- CIA-Speeches by General Walters, 1976
- CIA-Stuff
- Entertainment [1976]
- Employment Applicants [1975-1976] [1]
- Employment Applicants [1975-1976] [2]
- Guide to Central Intelligence Agency Statutes and Laws, 1970
- Hoover Institution [1976-1977]
- Meeting with the President (Unclassified), George Bush, Personal Notes, 1976-1977
- Moore Trial, 4/21-4/22 [1977]
- National Security Medal Citation, 1/77
- Nixon China Trip-Personal Notes
- Nixon Letter to GB, 1976
- Organization of Intelligence, 8/76
- Photograph and Autograph Requests [1976-1977]
Box 4
- Press Reports and Printed Materials [1976-1977] [1]
- Press Reports and Printed Materials [1976-1977] [2]
- Press Reports and Printed Materials [1976-1977] [3]
- Resignation Letter to President and President's Reply, 1977
- White House [1975-1976]
- Wilson, Harold - Personal Letter to GB [1976]
Return to Top
This series contains materials related to George Bush's father, Prescott Sheldon Bush. He was born in Columbus,
Ohio, on May 15, 1895. Upon graduating from Yale in 1917, Bush served in the United States Army at the end of
World War I as a captain of field artillery, seeing battle during the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Back home, Bush
entered business first with Simmons Hardware Company. He later worked from Stedman Products from 1922 to 1924 in
South Braintree, Massachusetts and the U.S. Rubber Company from 1924 to 1926 before settling into a position with
W. A. Harriman and Company in New York City. He would remain associated with the Harriman business interests,
which merged with Brown Brothers in 1931, for the remainder of his career on Wall Street. He was elected to the
United States Senate in 1952 in a special election to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Senator Brien
McMahon. Elected to a full term in 1956, Bush served until January 3, 1963. The Columbia University Oral History
Program interviewed Prescott Bush in 1966. Bush discusses his family background, business career, and experience
in the Senate. The transcript may be photocopied, but permission must be obtained from Columbia University before
publication. The 70th birthday party materials include letters, notes, cables, photographs, and a newspaper
article all of which related to Prescott Bush's 70th birthday celebration.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- History of the Class of Nineteen Seventeen - Yale College
- Prescott Bush Oral History Interview - Columbia University Oral History Program 1966
- Prescott Bush 70th Birthday Materials
Return to Top
This series contains materials related to George Bush's mother, Dorothy Walker Bush. Born near Walker's Point,
Walker County, Maine on July 1, 1901. She married Prescott Sheldon Bush on August 6, 1921 in Kennebunkport, Maine.
They had five children together including Prescott S. Bush, Jr.; George Herbert Walker Bush; Nancy Bush Ellis;
Jonathan James Bush; and William Henry Trotter "Bucky" Bush. An avid sportswoman, Mrs. Bush enjoyed riding and was
especially adept at tennis. She was runner-up in the 1918 Girl's National Tournament. She died at her home in
Connecticut on November 19, 1992. During her husband's term in the United States Senate, Mrs. Bush wrote a weekly
newspaper column "Washington Life - As Seen by a Senator's Wife." These columns detail events such as the opening
of Congress, the State of the Union, entertainment at the White House, and comments on the political leaders of
the time. Of special note, her January 17, 1962 column mentions her recent visit to George and Barbara Bush in
Houston, Texas. This series contains only three years of the column.
Folder Titles
Box 1
- [Participation in 1918 Girls Tennis Championship - article]
- Washington Life January 1959 - July 1959
- Washington Life January 1961 - August 1961
- Washington Life January 1962 - October 1962
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