Q. Mr. President, sorry to interrupt you, sir. Could you say something about Jordan and the apparently escalating administration comments on the subject?
The President. Look, I'd prefer not to take any questions at essentially this photo opportunity.
You're talking a very great interest in Jordan, and Mr. Fitzwater gave our views on that. But there is quite some concern now about what appears to be a shift in the Jordanian position. And yet, we're concerned about it and don't understand some of the rhetoric coming out of there. On the other hand, we've always had a historically good relationship with Jordan. But this complicates things.
Jim Baker testified on that yesterday very well and pointed out that we're having to review our aid picture with him, given the fact they've seemed to have moved over, way over into the Saddam Hussein camp totally.
Note: The exchange began at 1:34 p.m. in the Oval Office at the White House, prior to a meeting with Foreign Minister Guido Di Tella of Argentina. In his remarks, President Bush referred to Marlin Fitzwater, Press Secretary to the President; Secretary of State James A. Baker III; King Hussein I of Jordan; and President Saddam Hussein of Iraq. A tape was not available for verification of the content of this exchange.