German Reunification
Q. Mr. Prime Minister, do you believe the two-plus-four formula will give Italy a sufficient voice in the possible reunification of Germany?
The Prime Minister. No, it's not a problem which belongs to Italy. I think that all the member countries of the Atlantic alliance must handle together these problems, and provided that the specific problems related to Berlin must be handled by the four countries.
Q. Mr. President, are you concerned or hopeful about what's happening in Afghanistan?
Baseball Strike
Q. Mr. President, do you think anything should be done about the baseball strike?
The President. We have a strike, and our son owns one of the teams -- or is the managing owner or managing partner of one of the baseball teams, and she's asking me about the strike, knowing that I don't take questions at a photo opportunity. However, she got close to something I might answer -- very close there. I was tempted.
Meeting With Prime Minister Andreotti
Q. Mr. President, are you going to approve a NATO meeting here on Germany next month?
The President. I'm not going to take any questions at a photo opportunity, except to say this to the Italian journalists: Welcome back to the United States, and we are delighted you're here. And frankly, I view this as a very important meeting with a respected friend. But other than that, I won't take any questions in here. However, the Prime Minister is free to do anything he wants in here.
Note: A tape was not available for verification of the content of the exchange, which began at 10:35 a.m. in the Oval Office at the White House.