Public Papers

Statement on the Appointment of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Chairman of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports


I am pleased to announce the appointment of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Chairman of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, and I challenge him to raise the consciousness of all Americans on the importance of good health through physical fitness.

The physical health of all Americans must have a stronger commitment than an annual New Year's resolution. We now know that individuals can influence their health, fitness, and productive prime of life through the active pursuit of regular exercise programs. I have asked Arnold to chair the Council because I believe he is uniquely qualified to address and influence national health and fitness issues, especially among our youth. Arnold has devoted much of his career to the pursuit and advocacy of physical fitness. His abilities have produced a broad range of career successes involving athletic competition, acting, and business ventures.

The continued success of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports is in large part due to the efforts of past Councils and Chairmen, especially immediate past Chairman Dick Kazmaier. I have asked Dick to remain on the Council so that his experience and knowledge can be of benefit to the new Chairman. I will be announcing other new members of the Council in the very near future, and I know that through the Council's work and Arnold's leadership physical fitness will become a priority for all Americans in the 1990's.