Earlier this morning the President met with members of the Emergency Committee for Aid to Poland (ECAP). This committee was recently formed by a distinguished group of business, labor, civic, and academic leaders to provide humanitarian relief to the people of Poland to help them through the winter. In the meeting, members of ECAP briefed the President on the status of the organization's efforts. Over 50 tons of much-needed medical supplies and infant formula have already been donated by generous U.S. companies, and shipments of these goods have begun.
The President applauds the efforts of the committee, which is capably led by its cochairmen, Senator Robert Dole and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski. The committee has also been assisted by Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole, who met with Polish leaders to identify needs as part of the Presidential mission last year.
The work of ECAP exemplifies both a spirit of voluntarism and our nation's commitment to aid the people of Eastern Europe as they embark on their new journey into freedom. The President wishes ECAP every continued success in its important work.